-compile (path)This command is used to compile your DAE files into render_model tags. Point it to a directory containing a proper folder structure.
-decompile (path)An experimental command used to dump meshes from render_model files into loadable OBJ files. Not guaranteed to work with all types of render_model tags. Especially different revisions of the tag. Point the path at a render_model file including the file extension.
-replace-node (path) (path)A command to workaround some of the issues the "-compile" command has with generated proper node inverse values. Proper usage is done by typing out the command. The first path is the render_model tag you want the values copied to and the second path is the render_model tags you want the values copied from.
-replace-marker (path) (path)A command to quickly copy a list of markers from one model to another. Proper usage is done by typing out the command. The first path is the render_model tag you want the markers copied to and the second path is the render_model tags you want the markers copied from.